Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Breaking News: Vacations are Underrated

Well, after two days off from work and school, I have very little to report - which is the best part, actually. For the first time in a long time, I have taken two days to do absolutely nothing productive - it was great.

I baked a cake, ran a little, and got just as much sleep as I normally do (read: not enough). But, for the most part, it was fun.

Now, in regards to the cake.... I made it for a friend's Birthday, which was yesterday, and took it over to her work (my previous work) today. It was very, very good. I definitely love that recipe. Although, I knew it would work out well - it was the same recipe I made for my birthday cake - chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate.

Behold the chocolate-y goodness:

And tomorrow I go back to school. Suprisingly enough, I'm not to disappointed about this - I get to go to class, smile, and flirt with cute guys again. Who knew I'd actually miss that? Afterall, it's only been one summer. Although, in my favor, I don't think I flirted with a single guy all summer.... Well, that's not entirely true. But for the one case, it was all in fun (If it wasn't, I think the recipient would be rather worried... =P ).

Next time: Outcome of the first day of school, A quick update on how I never get together with certain friends anymore (or not, on second thought), and a Tarte Tatin with Pate Brisee and Creme Fraiche (Finally.).

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