Sunday, September 2, 2007

Shall we Bake --- Outside??

Well, the second week of back-to-school is over, and I'm officially dead tired. Took a double espresso at 7PM on Thursday night to keep me awake for my last class. Bad habit to get into so early in the semester.

Weather or knot I'm aney mor edukated, well neaver k'now.

But, as this insane heat wave has struck southern Cali, My baking privilidges have been restricted - untill we don't have to run the AC 24/7. It was meticulously figured that since we're running the cool air, I shouldn't heat it by running the 350+ degree oven. I sense the logic in there somewhere.

So, no much-wanted Creme Brulee, (even though I did buy the ingredients), so I had to content myself with a Molten Cake (or series of Cakes - individual ramekins) instead - it was only in the oven for 10 minutes, so I was allowed.

And, it actually turned out very well. No flour, suprisingly enough - eggs, butter, chocolate, and sugar. Moist, Chocolate cake on the outside, with a Chocolate-Mousse-like center. If you don't like chocolate, you're in trouble. If you do, it's a very good dessert.

Behold the very-very-Chocolate-y-Goodness:

And there are still 3 (of the initial 8) ramekins left. And yes, they're under lock and key. Mine.

In other news, there isn't any. I've been dubbed a very "Grumpy" person - and we're suprised.... ? Long, painful week, and the weekend doesn't appear to be any better. Eternally optimistic, I know.

Thank goodness we have Monday off. Now, let's just hope the weather cools down by then, so I can celebrate the day-off with baking.

Please note: If you would like the recipe for any of these, please comment or message me, and I'll be happy to give it to you.

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