Monday, September 24, 2007

Accusation: Too busy to Bake or Blog

Defendent Pleads: Guilty as Charged.

Verdict: Guilty.

Action: Time Served.

Bwhaha! Ahem. Yes, I've been busy. School, shooting, sleeping, running - no time for blogging! Last weekend I went up to Sacramento for an Archery Competition (and came back with a bruise the size of California - more colorful, though), so no baking then, but I'd baked Creme Brulee and a series of Mini-Bundt Cakes before then, so I should be forgiven.

So, firstly, the first batch of Mini-Bundt cakes. These puppies are a yellow cake with lemon glaze - very good, as far as yellow cakes with lemon glaze go. The main part, is that they're pretty to look at.

Behold, Lemon-ish-Yellow-Mini-Bundt-Cakes:

And my Camera isn't focusing properly again.

And behold, the second batch of Mini-Bundt Cakes. These were baked for work, delivered as such, and tasted like cake-like donuts. Chocolate cake (mostly good, from what I remember) with a chocolate glaze - the chocolate glaze was very good.

And lastly, Creme Brulee with a chocolate lining. I wasn't able to get a torch in time, and the broiling didn't work well, so these were consumed without a traditional carmelized crust. *sniffle* Next time, it will be proper.

But this time, they were quite delicious anyway. Very deliciously-smoothe, especially for a first try.

The picture doesn't do it justice.

And tonight, I baked Pumpkin-Pie Bars. The house smells Delicious. Pictures, explanation, and recipe (I promise!) will follow tomorrow.

In other news, I'm tired, tired, and more tired. I took the train down to LA to visit my sister yesterday afternoon, and we went a house-warming party for one of her co-workers. Delicious combination of me and alcohol. Not that I'm officially allowed to have a great affinity (if any) to that yet, of course.

Let's just say that after having an Ouzo shot (I was floored when I found out it was 40% proof - and 103 calories per shot), a glass of wine, and some beer, I was a very jovial person. We'll just leave it at that. =D

Today, I woke up without a headache, I got a manicure, and spent too much money. But part of it was on a birthday present, so I'm forgiven. Or rather, hopefully I will be when it's delivered in a few weeks.

And, I promise, from now on I'll attach the recipes to these too.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

At least I’m good at something.

Well, Lo and Behold, I have had a fairly good week. I made Ice Cream again on Sunday (Spectacular!), had fun at school on Thursday (New dress => made friends with a gentleman who's in two of my classes), was productive today (finished all homework), and baked a cake for work tomorrow.

The only downside, is that I won't be able to try this one, as I'm going into work on Friday, not Thursday. Oh well.

The individual parts of the cake, however, are delicious. As of yet, I think my Lemon Curd and Boiled Icing variations are unmatched. Yes, Ken, even by you. But it's only from practice, I swear - afterall, I did learn from the best. ;-P

Lo and Behold, a be-a-u-tiful Coconut Lemon Cake:

Oh, how I wish I'd be able to taste it. Ah well.

Part-by-part, it was good - but boy, my Kitchen was a royal mess afterwards. I accidently made the icing in a too-small bowl, so by the end it was going everywhere. Literally - Everywhere.

And there's a heck of a lot more dishes to do.

So, until this friday - at which time I'll be baking *something* good. Probably.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Shall we Bake --- Outside??

Well, the second week of back-to-school is over, and I'm officially dead tired. Took a double espresso at 7PM on Thursday night to keep me awake for my last class. Bad habit to get into so early in the semester.

Weather or knot I'm aney mor edukated, well neaver k'now.

But, as this insane heat wave has struck southern Cali, My baking privilidges have been restricted - untill we don't have to run the AC 24/7. It was meticulously figured that since we're running the cool air, I shouldn't heat it by running the 350+ degree oven. I sense the logic in there somewhere.

So, no much-wanted Creme Brulee, (even though I did buy the ingredients), so I had to content myself with a Molten Cake (or series of Cakes - individual ramekins) instead - it was only in the oven for 10 minutes, so I was allowed.

And, it actually turned out very well. No flour, suprisingly enough - eggs, butter, chocolate, and sugar. Moist, Chocolate cake on the outside, with a Chocolate-Mousse-like center. If you don't like chocolate, you're in trouble. If you do, it's a very good dessert.

Behold the very-very-Chocolate-y-Goodness:

And there are still 3 (of the initial 8) ramekins left. And yes, they're under lock and key. Mine.

In other news, there isn't any. I've been dubbed a very "Grumpy" person - and we're suprised.... ? Long, painful week, and the weekend doesn't appear to be any better. Eternally optimistic, I know.

Thank goodness we have Monday off. Now, let's just hope the weather cools down by then, so I can celebrate the day-off with baking.

Please note: If you would like the recipe for any of these, please comment or message me, and I'll be happy to give it to you.